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This is an English translation of Ten important Suras of holy quran.This is a very simple translation of quran,which is easy to read and understand by everyone.One can earn unlimited rewards from the Al-mighty Allah by reading these translation of Ten important Suras of quran.If someone recites sura yasin everyday,he/she will earn virtue equivalent to the virtue of reciting the whole holy quran for ten times.If someone recites Sura Kahaf every Friday from holy quran a noor will glitter on the sky for him/her till the next Friday,and in the mean time if he/she dies that will give him/her light at the time of crossing the poolsiraat.Here every sura of quran has some extraordinary value for every human being.So,please recites these suras from holy quran daily and understand the meaning from here.
How to read this of quran translation
Except compulsory ablution (3:43;5;6), clean body and mind are sufficient to open this e-book. Who recites the original quran, may please keep it by the side to understand the meaning of the verse reciting.Words in brackets are to make the meaning of a verse or its part clear.Verses in a surah are numbered serially. In large surahs, verses are grouped together in rukus, shown by a number ahead of each group. A ruku is made into sub-paras on subject basis.Arabic words retained in the translation are listed from 1 to 75.If someone wants to learn about "hur",he can learn from the list all about hur. A pair of numbers anywhere means, first of the pair is the number of a surah and the second one is a verse of that Such as, in 12:33, 12 is the number of surah Yusuf and 33 is a verse of it Allah stated in many places Ownself in plural in quran, which mean natures or attributes of Allah collectively. Allah has not been mentioned in the book as he or him rather as Allah. Except in places where male or female mentioned specifically, general words such as 'mankind', 'people', 'human being', 'person' and 'one' have been used Allah loves the person of faith and righteous irrespective of sex. It is the male form of a language perhaps creates the concept of inferiority to female.Read or listen when lead, very carefully. Try to grasp whole heartedly. Discuss to understand fully. Request near and dear ones to lead and thus learn.
Abbreviations : A for Alaihessalam.. R for RadiAllahu Anhu / Anha.. S for Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam.Names of prophets :: Ayub (A) for Job, Daud (A) for David, Harun (A) for Aron, Ibrahim (A) for Abraham, Idns (A) for Enoch, Isa (A) for Jesus or Christ Ishaq (A) for Isaac, Israel (A) for Jacob or Yaqub, Lut (A) for Lot, Musa (A) for Moses, Nuh (A) for Noah, Sulaiman (A) for Solomon, Yahaya (A) for John, Yunus (A) fa-Jonah or Jonas and Yusuf (A) for Joseph. Other names :: Firaun for Pharaoh, Jibrael (A) for angel Gabriel and Talut for king Saul.
Arabic Words Retained
1. Akherat: To life again on the last day, repayment as per deed Hell and paradise.
2. Alamin : Mankind, Jinn and all that exists.
3. An'am : Four kinds of catties- sheep, goat, camel and oxen.
4. Ansars:Comrades of the prophet Muhammad (S) from Madinah who took islam10, helped it and accepted muslims from Makkah and other places providing them with everything.
5. Aulya:Protectors, helpers, guardians, supporters and friends. Wali is the singular of aulya.
6. Ayat: Proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations etc.
7. Bahirah:A superstition amongst pagan Arabs:: the milking she-camel, whose milk would be spared for idols and other false deities.
8. BaitulMamur:The house for worship of Allah over the seventh heaven. Any house for worship of Allah in dedication may be included, the Kabah is in the Quest sense.
9. Ddin:The religion of islam.Islam is bowing to the will of Allah. All those who have iman should bow to Allah in submission. It is above all other religions (9:33; 48:28). Persons in Islam are Muslims. The name Muslim was given by the prophet Ibrahim (A) (22:78).
Principles of islam are: ebadat of Allah alone and none else; to establish salat; paying of zakat; observing of syam in the month of ramadan and performing
hajj once in a life time when one can afford money and health. It is forbidden to divide the din (3:103,105;6:159;23:53;30:32).
10. Ebadat:Bending in the act of prayer to Allah, realizing in oneself the love and care; grace and mercy; and power and justice of Allah. Ebadat starts with salat and its perfection (ihsan) comes when one is in the sense that the person is seeing Allah or at least Allah is seeing the person.Dhikr i .e. remembrance of Allah, celebrating glory and praise of Allah is a part of ebadat. Mankind have been asked to be in dhikr (at least in seven vases). Muslims must establish salat or prayer perfectly, timely and solemnly five times a day (at least in ten verses) And in your salat do not raise your voice and (also) do not keep it very low, but make it a way in between (17:110). It has been often ordered to set up salat along with paying of zakat in many verses and only for salat in verses 39:9:51:56:73:2-4,6,20; 94:7-8. It has also been asked for late night prayer (Tahajjud, 17:79;25:64;39:9;51:18; 76:26).
11. Fahishah, fahsha, fawahisha:All evil deeds such as sex-abuse, disobedience to parents, polytheism, to tell lies, to give false witness , killing without just cause and any other sinful or shameful act.
12. Fasad:To make or do mischief, corruption, disbelief, polytheism, all sorts of crimes and sins, and to disobey Allah.
13. Fasiq: Liar, rebellious and disobedient to Allah.
14. Fitnah:Trials; harassment and torture for religion; to aeate confusion in religion and to cause fight and discord among muslims.
15. Ghaib:Things unseen such as knowledge of the hour of qiamah, of rain, content of the womb (13:8), one's topminnow’s earning and the land where one will de (31:34). Ghaib also includes Allah, angels, revelation of books, Allah's messengers and ordains of Allah; the knowledge of the creation of heavens, earth and living creatures; and the news about nations of the past (15:24), the paradise and the hell. Allah knows all of the ghaib (58:7).
16. Halal: Matters ordered and allowed to do, to eat and to dink.
17. Ham:A stallion camel dedicated to gods of worships of idols and false deities, on certain rites by pagans before Quran.
18. Hanifa: To live and die in faith of the True God i.e. Allah alone.
19. Haram:Matters unlawful, forbidden and punishable (2:173;5:3;6:151-152;16:115). Fighting and creation of any sort of dstuibances aie prohibited in the fiist, seventh, eleventh and twelfth month of islamic calendir. These months are called haram months or sacred months.
20. Hawari: Disciples of the prophet Isa (Jesus Christ: A).
21. Hikmah: Wisdom to speak and act in the correct and right way.
22. Hnkmah: Religious knowledge, right judgment of affairs and prophet hood
23. Hur (in21 verses):Means : (a) the sense of purity, having possible relation with the word hawari, (b) beauty, specially of eyes with deep white eyeballs against deep black pupils giving a blight appearance; and (c) truth and good wishes.
24. Iddah:A period of waiting ordered by Allah, for an woman after divorce or death of husband After the expiry of the period she can many another man. No iddah is la¬the divorced woman, untouched by husband (33:49). It is three menstrual periods for the woman having menses (2:228). The woman who crossed the age of monthly courses and the girl having no menses will have the period for three months; and for the pregnant ones, whether divorced or widow, the period is until the baby is born (65:4). In the case of the widow not pregnant the period is four months and ten days (2:234).
25. Ilah: Who has the light to be worshiped, that is, Allah alone.
26. Imam:Usually a leader. It may be a leader in religion and in a congregational payer, a model, a pattern a" an example (2:124). This may also be a book of evidence or record (36:12); a book of guidance and instruction (11:17) and also is applied to leaders of kafirs and blasphemers (9:12).
27. Iman (2:177,285:4:136):Faith or belief. It is believing in Allah, the last day (qiamah), angels, kitabs, messengers of Allah and whatever Allah has ordained must occur. A person having iman is a mumin.
28.I'tikaf:Retiring in a mosque as a spiritual shelter for meditation and ebadat1 of Allah alone. As such, one is not to leave the mosque but for a short time on urgent needs needs as call of nature or joining a funeral procession.
29. Jalut: The giant Goliath who oppressed on the then Israelite.
30. Jews: I descendants of Israel, prophet Yaqub (A).
31.Jibt!: foretelling, sorcery, magic, belief in false or worship of false.
32.Jihad:Holy fighting in the cause of Allah, ordained (2:216,244; 4:74,76). The fighting must be with vigor (22:78;25:52), only to restore peace and freedom for the worship of Allah (22:39-41,78). In any way women, children, old and infirm men not to be annoyed; no cutting of trees a" crops; and breaking of peace treaty with the enemy. It is a compulsory duty for a muslim when occurs and none is to avoid (4:95). It is ordained to fight to rescue the weak, ill treated and oppressed men, women and children (4:75). The blind, lame and sick are exempted from joining jihad; who joins jihad is rewarded and who turns away from it is punished (48:16 - 17). There are atleast forty six more verses on jihad Striving with mains and might for the way of Allah is also jihad (2:218;25:52;29:6,69;47:31;60:1).
33.Jizya(9:29):The principal tax imposed on all nonmuslims under an Islamic government, on all able males of military age. It was exempted for the poor; women, children, slaves, monks and hermits.
34.Kabah:A small house built in square stones by the prophet Ibrahim (A) for ebadat of Allah. Muslims of the whole world face towards it at salat Kabah, the house of Allah even in old times was the center for trade for all Arab tribes, for poetic contests and for worship. The territory around was considered sacred by all. Now it is kept pure and sacred for all purposes. It is kept coveted with costly clothes inscribing verses. None is allowed inside it but Muslim dignitaries. It is in the city of Makkah. The mosque around it is called Masjid Al Haram, as nothing haram is allowed there.
2. Alamin : Mankind, Jinn and all that exists.
3. An'am : Four kinds of catties- sheep, goat, camel and oxen.
4. Ansars:Comrades of the prophet Muhammad (S) from Madinah who took islam10, helped it and accepted muslims from Makkah and other places providing them with everything.
5. Aulya:Protectors, helpers, guardians, supporters and friends. Wali is the singular of aulya.
6. Ayat: Proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations etc.
7. Bahirah:A superstition amongst pagan Arabs:: the milking she-camel, whose milk would be spared for idols and other false deities.
8. BaitulMamur:The house for worship of Allah over the seventh heaven. Any house for worship of Allah in dedication may be included, the Kabah is in the Quest sense.
9. Ddin:The religion of islam.Islam is bowing to the will of Allah. All those who have iman should bow to Allah in submission. It is above all other religions (9:33; 48:28). Persons in Islam are Muslims. The name Muslim was given by the prophet Ibrahim (A) (22:78).
Principles of islam are: ebadat of Allah alone and none else; to establish salat; paying of zakat; observing of syam in the month of ramadan and performing
hajj once in a life time when one can afford money and health. It is forbidden to divide the din (3:103,105;6:159;23:53;30:32).
10. Ebadat:Bending in the act of prayer to Allah, realizing in oneself the love and care; grace and mercy; and power and justice of Allah. Ebadat starts with salat and its perfection (ihsan) comes when one is in the sense that the person is seeing Allah or at least Allah is seeing the person.Dhikr i .e. remembrance of Allah, celebrating glory and praise of Allah is a part of ebadat. Mankind have been asked to be in dhikr (at least in seven vases). Muslims must establish salat or prayer perfectly, timely and solemnly five times a day (at least in ten verses) And in your salat do not raise your voice and (also) do not keep it very low, but make it a way in between (17:110). It has been often ordered to set up salat along with paying of zakat in many verses and only for salat in verses 39:9:51:56:73:2-4,6,20; 94:7-8. It has also been asked for late night prayer (Tahajjud, 17:79;25:64;39:9;51:18; 76:26).
11. Fahishah, fahsha, fawahisha:All evil deeds such as sex-abuse, disobedience to parents, polytheism, to tell lies, to give false witness , killing without just cause and any other sinful or shameful act.
12. Fasad:To make or do mischief, corruption, disbelief, polytheism, all sorts of crimes and sins, and to disobey Allah.
13. Fasiq: Liar, rebellious and disobedient to Allah.
14. Fitnah:Trials; harassment and torture for religion; to aeate confusion in religion and to cause fight and discord among muslims.
15. Ghaib:Things unseen such as knowledge of the hour of qiamah, of rain, content of the womb (13:8), one's topminnow’s earning and the land where one will de (31:34). Ghaib also includes Allah, angels, revelation of books, Allah's messengers and ordains of Allah; the knowledge of the creation of heavens, earth and living creatures; and the news about nations of the past (15:24), the paradise and the hell. Allah knows all of the ghaib (58:7).
16. Halal: Matters ordered and allowed to do, to eat and to dink.
17. Ham:A stallion camel dedicated to gods of worships of idols and false deities, on certain rites by pagans before Quran.
18. Hanifa: To live and die in faith of the True God i.e. Allah alone.
19. Haram:Matters unlawful, forbidden and punishable (2:173;5:3;6:151-152;16:115). Fighting and creation of any sort of dstuibances aie prohibited in the fiist, seventh, eleventh and twelfth month of islamic calendir. These months are called haram months or sacred months.
20. Hawari: Disciples of the prophet Isa (Jesus Christ: A).
21. Hikmah: Wisdom to speak and act in the correct and right way.
22. Hnkmah: Religious knowledge, right judgment of affairs and prophet hood
23. Hur (in21 verses):Means : (a) the sense of purity, having possible relation with the word hawari, (b) beauty, specially of eyes with deep white eyeballs against deep black pupils giving a blight appearance; and (c) truth and good wishes.
24. Iddah:A period of waiting ordered by Allah, for an woman after divorce or death of husband After the expiry of the period she can many another man. No iddah is la¬the divorced woman, untouched by husband (33:49). It is three menstrual periods for the woman having menses (2:228). The woman who crossed the age of monthly courses and the girl having no menses will have the period for three months; and for the pregnant ones, whether divorced or widow, the period is until the baby is born (65:4). In the case of the widow not pregnant the period is four months and ten days (2:234).
25. Ilah: Who has the light to be worshiped, that is, Allah alone.
26. Imam:Usually a leader. It may be a leader in religion and in a congregational payer, a model, a pattern a" an example (2:124). This may also be a book of evidence or record (36:12); a book of guidance and instruction (11:17) and also is applied to leaders of kafirs and blasphemers (9:12).
27. Iman (2:177,285:4:136):Faith or belief. It is believing in Allah, the last day (qiamah), angels, kitabs, messengers of Allah and whatever Allah has ordained must occur. A person having iman is a mumin.
28.I'tikaf:Retiring in a mosque as a spiritual shelter for meditation and ebadat1 of Allah alone. As such, one is not to leave the mosque but for a short time on urgent needs needs as call of nature or joining a funeral procession.
29. Jalut: The giant Goliath who oppressed on the then Israelite.
30. Jews: I descendants of Israel, prophet Yaqub (A).
31.Jibt!: foretelling, sorcery, magic, belief in false or worship of false.
32.Jihad:Holy fighting in the cause of Allah, ordained (2:216,244; 4:74,76). The fighting must be with vigor (22:78;25:52), only to restore peace and freedom for the worship of Allah (22:39-41,78). In any way women, children, old and infirm men not to be annoyed; no cutting of trees a" crops; and breaking of peace treaty with the enemy. It is a compulsory duty for a muslim when occurs and none is to avoid (4:95). It is ordained to fight to rescue the weak, ill treated and oppressed men, women and children (4:75). The blind, lame and sick are exempted from joining jihad; who joins jihad is rewarded and who turns away from it is punished (48:16 - 17). There are atleast forty six more verses on jihad Striving with mains and might for the way of Allah is also jihad (2:218;25:52;29:6,69;47:31;60:1).
33.Jizya(9:29):The principal tax imposed on all nonmuslims under an Islamic government, on all able males of military age. It was exempted for the poor; women, children, slaves, monks and hermits.
34.Kabah:A small house built in square stones by the prophet Ibrahim (A) for ebadat of Allah. Muslims of the whole world face towards it at salat Kabah, the house of Allah even in old times was the center for trade for all Arab tribes, for poetic contests and for worship. The territory around was considered sacred by all. Now it is kept pure and sacred for all purposes. It is kept coveted with costly clothes inscribing verses. None is allowed inside it but Muslim dignitaries. It is in the city of Makkah. The mosque around it is called Masjid Al Haram, as nothing haram is allowed there.
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